preparing for your crna school interview

The CRNA school interview is a daunting task. It’s a major event separating you from acceptance to your top school. Adequate preparation is needed to be a successful candidate.

There’s no specific recipe that you should follow to stand out during your interview, but there are things you can do to prepare to sell yourself with humbleness and grace. The most important thing is,


In preparation for your interview, don’t memorize what you want to say. You’ll sound like a robot. While it’s great to have an entire script prepared, this takes away from the most important part — YOU. The admissions committee already saw something in you, enough to give you a chance on center stage. While they get a snippet of who you are through your resume, essay and letters of recommendations, it’s time to prove who you say you are on paper, in person. So, ditch the script the day of your interview and show them who you really are.

In my video below, I go over my interview experience as well as the topics you should be preparing for. I also detail my interview experience and tips in this blog post. At the end of this post, download a copy of the ultimate list of interview questions.

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